Your arrogant heart has deceived you, you who live in clefts of the rock in your home on the heights, who say to yourself, “Who can bring me down to the ground”
It is way too easy to succumb to pride. To think that we are better than anyone else, we deserve something because of who we are, and even thinking that we are invincible no one can touch us. We never really know when we are struggling with pride because at the same time, we might get conflicting messages from friends saying “you do so much you deserve it” inflating each of our egos making us believe that we deserve something. While in the military I did a lot of volunteer work at animal shelters, after school programs, and various activities my superiors wanted me to be recognized as junior sailor of the quarter. I was nominated several times and did not receive the award. By the second time I was nominated I had gotten it in my head that I deserve the award more than anyone because I was the only one who SHOULD be awarded this honor. I had let my ego dictate and say that I deserve to receive recognition, honor, and a plaque. I do not deserve any of it. For it is only through God that I can do the work. It was pride that led me to believe that I should be awarded for the things that I loved doing. The wrong heart that believed that my friends who were also helping the community did not deserve to be recognized for their contributions and only I was worthy. Our hearts can deceive us and led us to believe that we are better than others, deserve more, and invincible. This is deceiving and not true. God is greater than any person on earth. No matter how great we may think we are God is greater. He can bring us down when we are filled with pride. Allow God to search your heart ask for help when needed, show you what your struggles are, and take steps forward to change. Walking with you, Stacy Watt
This is what he showed me: The Lord was standing by a wall that had been built true plumb, with a plumb line in his hand.
A plumb line is a weight suspended from a string used as a vertical reference line to ensure a structure is centered. It is used to make sure that everything is right, centered, and justified. It does this by finding the vertical axis pointing to the center of gravity. Everyone has their own concept of what is just, right, and even true. So many of us are quick to seek out justice ourselves when things do not go our way. We get angry and shout, break things, and even hurt people thinking that this is a right response. Today’s culture has a lot to say on what is right. The only problem with this is what was right at one time may no longer be considered right. Our concept changes over time when it comes to justice. Many laws are written by groups of people with different beliefs, backgrounds, educational degrees. Many of us are taught right from wrong but, it is based on how we each grew up, from mentors, parental figures, and those who influenced us. George Neumark wrote “If you but trust in God to guide you and place your confidence in Him, you’ll find Him always there beside you to give you hope and strength within; for those who trust God’s changeless love build on the rock that will not move” from the song If you but trust in God to Guide You. There are many different things today that we can look to for guidance for on what is right and even just. However, it is not true justice it wavers from time to time. God’s justice scale is true and perfect for he knows exactly what justice is, he knows people’s circumstances, their hearts, and his love never changes towards us. Though you may want to seek out justice for whatever wrong that has happened to you trust in God to continue to guide you through your situation. Praying, Stacy Watt “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!”
Every day we are faced with decisions to make. What time to get up. What are we going to eat for the day? What activities we are going to do for the day. Some decisions are harder than others for example the decision to make our bed in the morning after getting up compared to what job to apply for. The decisions that we make come with consequences if I don’t make my bed in the morning then later when I come home not only will the bed be unmade but, chores will probably not be done. If I apply for the job, I might get it and make more money. The harder decisions we do not have to make on our own we can ask trusted friends, seek a counselor or pastor, or even ask a mentor what the wisest decision would be to make when facing a difficult decision. We can even pray and listen to the Holy Spirit to guide us into the right decision. The harder decisions can have lasting consequences drinking and driving, staying out late and missing work, or even hanging out with the wrong crowd. These decisions can cost us more than just a few moments in the here and now. They can also have lasting effects on our future and make some other decisions a little more tough. Though they may be challenging to make take time to think about them and come to the decision that is healthy and right for you. Praying, Stacy Watt “And in the place where they were told: You are not my people, they will be called: Sons of the living God,” Relationships can be difficult and often challenging to maintain. Many of us have friends that we no longer talk to or spend time with. Family members because of our life choices that are not good for us stop talking to us. The choices that we make can strain relationships pushing them to the point of nonexistence. The people closest to us, our own family, can decide that they no longer want to be around us or even that we do not belong apart of the family anymore. We have heard tragic words of “You are dead to me” or even “You are no longer my son or daughter.” Leaving many of us abandoned and alone and even feeling unloved. Places can remind us of broken relationships the pain and the hurt that we once felt being torn from relationships that we once held dear to us in our hearts. For many of us we can avoid these places for years. The pain of returning can sometimes be unbearable. However, the same place can bring redemption. God takes the places that can bring us anguish and heartache and instead can bring redemption. Although, family and friends may turn their backs on us and say “we are no longer family” or even “You are dead to me” there is a God who says that you are his son and daughter. There is a God who loves you even when you are reminded that those who are supposed to be closest to you blood relatives want nothing to do with you. God sees you and loves you declaring that you are his child and will never leave you. Praying, Stacy Watt |
AuthorPastor Matt Huff leads Portland Central Nazarene Church. He loves being in ministry and seeing lives transformed by the power of Christ. Archives
February 2025