“Yes, at that time I will deal with all who oppress you. I will save the lame and gather the outcasts; I will make those who were disgraced throughout the earth receive praise and fame.” (Zephaniah 3:19)
It is crazy that today you can be signaled out by the type of socks you wear. Apparently, ankle socks are no longer the hip thing to wear. I remember having crew socks and pulling them down to make it appear as if I was wearing ankle socks. It was a pretty genius tactic to fit in with the cool kids. We all may feel like outcasts at some point in our lives that we just do not simply belong. For some reason we feel like we stand out and not part of the group. It can be especially easy to feel as an outcast when we have impairments. We can start to doubt our own abilities and what we know we can do. Often, we can feel shame because we feel like an outcast or do not fit in anywhere no matter how hard we try. Shame happens not because someone necessarily does something to us but, how we internalize a situation it can involve negative self-evaluation and not living up to certain standards making yourself believe that you are not worthy. It can be difficult to feel worthy when feeling like an outcast or dealing with shame. Thankfully, God can change us. Although we may feel like an outcast or shameful, he brings us into families and healthy communities. You end up receiving praise and fame it might not include being a famous actor comparable to Harrison Ford, but you may become famous within your community. People will know you for what you have overcome and how you have grown. You may not receive praise from millions but, you will receive praise from those who are in your corner and especially God. Heavenly Father, you replace shame with glory though I am struggling with sin help me to repent and rely on your Holy Spirit to change for the better. Praying, Stacy Watkins
“For I am doing something in your days that you will not believe when you hear about it.” (Habukkuk 1:5)
If you turn on the news today it always seems very negative majority of the media coverage includes possibility of war. Hurricanes take out power in cities. Companies are laying off hundreds of workers. Children are killed by their parents. There is a lot of injustice in the world that can make us question if there is a God? Or even why is God not intervening? Why is He allowing for all this to happen? We can get drained from negative circumstances and just want everything to be right in the world. When devastating circumstances rock our lives, we can doubt God and what He is even doing. God is not scared of our questions or our doubt. Instead, he gives us hope in hard times. Sometimes the plan that God is doing is completely unbelievable that we would not even believe it even if we tried. We can only see a part of the story and not the entire picture. God sees the entire picture and can work things together for good. God is working in our lives and in the world in ways what we could not imagine. It can feel like God is absent or not listening during these times, but he hears our cries and wants the best for us. God is bigger than any of our circumstances and can make a way when we see there is no way. The situation may seem bleak but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your situation does not define who you are. You are worth more than your situation. Heavenly Father, there is so much violence and negative circumstances in the world that I do not understand. It is hard to find hope when there is so much wrongdoing. But God, may I continue to trust in you for I know you are doing something completely unbelievable that I could not even imagine happening. Praying, Stacy Watkins “The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of distress; he cares for those who take refuge in him.” (Nahum 1:7)
Where do we go when there is trouble? In elementary school we practice occasionally, what to do when a fire happens, an earthquake happens, or any possible danger. Students knew where they can seek refuge who are the responders who are good that are there to help. The responders did not know us though they were simply there to do a job to make sure there was no fire, or no person who was not authorized to be there was not there. The teachers knew us at school so we could take refuge in them, but they did not know us completely. Some distresses we are not prepared for, and our lives are always dated before and after the event that happened. We can think back to prior when we could pack an entire lunch and even smoke on planes while now you can barely even bring water through security let alone even walk through security with shoes on. In a day of distress, it is hard to think critically to think what to do next. When we are actively going through a traumatic event like a divorce, medical emergency, or anything that can cause us extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain it can feel hard to know exactly what to do in the situation. Often, these situations can feel like they are personal attacks from God, and he does not care for us. However, this is not the case. God loves you; God is good, he cares for you, he knows what you’re going through and sees you. He desires for us to come to him with our problems to earnestly seek him. We can be assured that we can take refuge in him during our traumatic events. Heavenly Father, when I see no way out of my situation and feel like it is unbearable lord, I thank you that I can turn to you and know that I am loved by you. May I continue to seek you in my situation and find refuge in you. Praying, Stacy Watkins “Look, his ego is inflated; he is without integrity. But the righteous one will live by his faith.” (Habakkuk 2:2)
He is without integrity. A person’s character tells us a lot about them. There are several characteristics that people consider someone of integrity if they are honest, trustworthy, respectful, patient, and are responsible. We all know someone who we question their integrity. Sometimes we question someone’s integrity based on how they dress without even knowing the person. Our egos can change our character values. When we want to look impressive to someone, we might talk ourselves up. It might be a little lie, and no one got hurt from it, but a lie is still a lie, and we should always tell the truth. We may tell ourselves there are acceptable reasons to lie such as when we are being interviewed, we do not fully know the person, or even that it is hard for you to trust other people. However, you are denying yourself the opportunity to be a trustworthy and honest person. The excuse you do not know the person does not allow you the opportunity to get to know someone. You cannot know another person until you take the time to be vulnerable and share with another person. The idea that it is hard for you trust people does not have to do with the other person but with yourself. You can seek help from mental health professionals to learn to build trust within yourself and others. The righteous will live by faith when we have faith, we take a chance on vulnerability and allow the opportunity for another person to see us with all our emotional baggage that we bring into the relationship. Living by faith allows us to open our hearts to trust someone by creating new positive experiences together. It is through the help of Jesus that we can change our character from someone without integrity to someone who is called righteous and just. Praying, Stacy Watkins |
AuthorPastor Matt Huff leads Portland Central Nazarene Church. He loves being in ministry and seeing lives transformed by the power of Christ. Archives
February 2025