“And let us watch out for one another to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:24-25 The last few weeks have been spent gathering with different friends, and family members celebrating the various holidays. We can remember the days of laughter expressed with joy. Some of the encounters might not be completely fun while others were filled with debates that left you feeling annoyed and even with worry but, the holidays remind us that we are made for companionship that with the right people we are better together. When we have been hurt by so many people in our past, often we come to believe that we do not need people in our life we can do everything on our own, but we were not created for isolation. We are created to live life with people and for a purpose. The hardest part is finding the right people to become a part of your community. As we age, we might become skeptical of having anyone become a part of our community when we see a new face often, we do not want to trust them since we do not know them, or we do not want to be hurt like we have been in a previous friendship. It is hard to trust after being hurt, but we cannot go through life alone. Trusting a new person can be hard since we must be vulnerable. We must let them know who we are it can be scary; however, at the same time we must be brave and willing to be loved by another person. We need people in our communities that will encourage us to become our better selves, learn to grow, and develop to thrive. When we find the right people to become a part of our community we do not just grow, but flourish. We become even more than what we expected we can become. Heavenly Father, may you place the right people in my path that will continue to challenge, encourage, and even help me flourish. May your Spirit help me discern who I need to let in and who I need to stay away from. Walking with you, Stacy Watkins
“Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)
This past week brought about a lot of tension between friends, family, and even coworkers. Each of our friends have burdens that many of us do not know about. To know our friends better we must create space for them to vulnerable. Create space to let them discuss their lived experience and what is currently burdening them right now. We must humble ourselves and be willing to listen regardless of our feelings. When we love our friends and neighbors, we walk with them through their struggles, their struggle becomes our own struggle. One burden is the temptation to do things that is not good for our health or even for relationships. It might be difficult but, we are to share with those who we trust what temptations we are facing. Those within our circle can hold us accountable. Some burdens feel a little harder to talk about like being lonely during the holidays or learning to make new friends in a different state. It may feel strange to ask someone if they can sit with you because you do not want to be alone but, they will be glad to be there for you. Christ carried all our burdens when he died on the cross for all of us. There is nothing we must face alone since he is always with us and will never forsake us. Heavenly Father, thank you for carrying our burdens to the cross. Everything that we are facing we do not face alone because you are with us each step of the way. May we continue to lean on you. Praying for you, Stacy Watkins “Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.”
Hebrews 11:1 Today it is hard to believe when something happens. We rarely take anything on just someone’s word. If my friend says they can deadlift 300 lbs, we want them to prove it. If our kids learned their first word we try and make sure they say it again so there is proof they know the word. Your aunt’s banana pudding is the best. The proof is in the pudding. There is a lack of trust since we must prove everything. The definition of faith is what is hoped for but, a proof that is unseen. It is a reality of what you have hoped for there is a conviction, of what is not real but is true. It is not wishful thinking “I hope this is going to happen” but a firm conviction that what you have hoped for will happen. In Indiana Jones the Last Crusade Indiana is told he needs to take a leap of faith. There is a point where he is looking into a chasm and is terrified since he cannot see the bottom. It looks like if he takes the step he will fall to his death. He instead takes a step of faith and steppingstones appear beneath his feet. It gives a great picture of faith. To take a step when we think it will lead to our death but, have faith that there are stones underneath our feet even when we cannot see them. God calls us to have this kind of faith. Although, we cannot see Jesus we believe in him. We believe in Jesus, not like a blind leap of faith in the dark but, because we have a reason too. He died on the cross so that we can have a relationship with God. Restore our relationships with each other. To set us free from any sin that we are facing. Faith in Christ is a firm foundation. For he is the true definition of faith. Heavenly Farther, God it is hard to live by faith. Help me to live by faith today, to live with an assurance and conviction, confidence in you and your word. Praying for you, Stacy Watkins “For I am doing something in your days that you will not believe when you hear about it.” (Habukkuk 1:5)
If you turn on the news today it always seems very negative majority of the media coverage includes possibility of war. Hurricanes take out power in cities. Companies are laying off hundreds of workers. Children are killed by their parents. There is a lot of injustice in the world that can make us question if there is a God? Or even why is God not intervening? Why is He allowing for all this to happen? We can get drained from negative circumstances and just want everything to be right in the world. When devastating circumstances rock our lives, we can doubt God and what He is even doing. God is not scared of our questions or our doubt. Instead, he gives us hope in hard times. Sometimes the plan that God is doing is completely unbelievable that we would not even believe it even if we tried. We can only see a part of the story and not the entire picture. God sees the entire picture and can work things together for good. God is working in our lives and in the world in ways what we could not imagine. It can feel like God is absent or not listening during these times, but he hears our cries and wants the best for us. God is bigger than any of our circumstances and can make a way when we see there is no way. The situation may seem bleak but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your situation does not define who you are. You are worth more than your situation. Heavenly Father, there is so much violence and negative circumstances in the world that I do not understand. It is hard to find hope when there is so much wrongdoing. But God, may I continue to trust in you for I know you are doing something completely unbelievable that I could not even imagine happening. Praying, Stacy Watkins “The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of distress; he cares for those who take refuge in him.” (Nahum 1:7)
Where do we go when there is trouble? In elementary school we practice occasionally, what to do when a fire happens, an earthquake happens, or any possible danger. Students knew where they can seek refuge who are the responders who are good that are there to help. The responders did not know us though they were simply there to do a job to make sure there was no fire, or no person who was not authorized to be there was not there. The teachers knew us at school so we could take refuge in them, but they did not know us completely. Some distresses we are not prepared for, and our lives are always dated before and after the event that happened. We can think back to prior when we could pack an entire lunch and even smoke on planes while now you can barely even bring water through security let alone even walk through security with shoes on. In a day of distress, it is hard to think critically to think what to do next. When we are actively going through a traumatic event like a divorce, medical emergency, or anything that can cause us extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain it can feel hard to know exactly what to do in the situation. Often, these situations can feel like they are personal attacks from God, and he does not care for us. However, this is not the case. God loves you; God is good, he cares for you, he knows what you’re going through and sees you. He desires for us to come to him with our problems to earnestly seek him. We can be assured that we can take refuge in him during our traumatic events. Heavenly Father, when I see no way out of my situation and feel like it is unbearable lord, I thank you that I can turn to you and know that I am loved by you. May I continue to seek you in my situation and find refuge in you. Praying, Stacy Watkins “Look, his ego is inflated; he is without integrity. But the righteous one will live by his faith.” (Habakkuk 2:2)
He is without integrity. A person’s character tells us a lot about them. There are several characteristics that people consider someone of integrity if they are honest, trustworthy, respectful, patient, and are responsible. We all know someone who we question their integrity. Sometimes we question someone’s integrity based on how they dress without even knowing the person. Our egos can change our character values. When we want to look impressive to someone, we might talk ourselves up. It might be a little lie, and no one got hurt from it, but a lie is still a lie, and we should always tell the truth. We may tell ourselves there are acceptable reasons to lie such as when we are being interviewed, we do not fully know the person, or even that it is hard for you to trust other people. However, you are denying yourself the opportunity to be a trustworthy and honest person. The excuse you do not know the person does not allow you the opportunity to get to know someone. You cannot know another person until you take the time to be vulnerable and share with another person. The idea that it is hard for you trust people does not have to do with the other person but with yourself. You can seek help from mental health professionals to learn to build trust within yourself and others. The righteous will live by faith when we have faith, we take a chance on vulnerability and allow the opportunity for another person to see us with all our emotional baggage that we bring into the relationship. Living by faith allows us to open our hearts to trust someone by creating new positive experiences together. It is through the help of Jesus that we can change our character from someone without integrity to someone who is called righteous and just. Praying, Stacy Watkins “The Lord is a jealous and avenging God; the Lord takes vengeance and is fierce in wrath. The Lord takes vengeance against his foes; he is furious with his enemies. The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will never leave the guilty unpunished.” (Nahum 1:2-3)
This verse can be kind of daunting the beginning is all about how God is a jealous God and will take vengeance on his enemies. However, if we believe in Jesus, we can look at this verse in a different light we can have comfort that God will avenge us. When I was in high school someone did something that was very hurtful and did not sit well with me. I have thought of all the ways I could hurt this person and get vengeance. I wanted this person to suffer as much as I had and buried eight feet under. The only thing I wanted to focus on is hurting them because of what they had done. This kind of thinking is not healthy and not helpful. The Bible constantly reminds us that vengeance does not belong to us but God. God says “Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay. In time their foot will slip, for their day of disaster is near, and their doom is coming quickly.” (Deuteronomy 32:35) God will not leave the guilty unpunished for their crimes. Instead of seeking vengeance for those who have hurt us we can pray for them to make better choices, know Jesus, and even work towards reconciliation if possible. God knows all and sees all. True justice comes from him since he knows what is just and fair. If you have been harmed by someone pray for them. Trust God has seen what has happened and will act on it how he seems fit. He will enact justice in his perfect timing. Keep doing what is right and do not take vengeance in your own hands. Praying for you, Stacy Watkins This is what he showed me: The Lord was standing by a wall that had been built true plumb, with a plumb line in his hand.
A plumb line is a weight suspended from a string used as a vertical reference line to ensure a structure is centered. It is used to make sure that everything is right, centered, and justified. It does this by finding the vertical axis pointing to the center of gravity. Everyone has their own concept of what is just, right, and even true. So many of us are quick to seek out justice ourselves when things do not go our way. We get angry and shout, break things, and even hurt people thinking that this is a right response. Today’s culture has a lot to say on what is right. The only problem with this is what was right at one time may no longer be considered right. Our concept changes over time when it comes to justice. Many laws are written by groups of people with different beliefs, backgrounds, educational degrees. Many of us are taught right from wrong but, it is based on how we each grew up, from mentors, parental figures, and those who influenced us. George Neumark wrote “If you but trust in God to guide you and place your confidence in Him, you’ll find Him always there beside you to give you hope and strength within; for those who trust God’s changeless love build on the rock that will not move” from the song If you but trust in God to Guide You. There are many different things today that we can look to for guidance for on what is right and even just. However, it is not true justice it wavers from time to time. God’s justice scale is true and perfect for he knows exactly what justice is, he knows people’s circumstances, their hearts, and his love never changes towards us. Though you may want to seek out justice for whatever wrong that has happened to you trust in God to continue to guide you through your situation. Praying, Stacy Watt |
AuthorPastor Matt Huff leads Portland Central Nazarene Church. He loves being in ministry and seeing lives transformed by the power of Christ. Archives
February 2025