Then the eleven disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him--but some of them doubted! Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:16-20 The verse above is the verse most Christian churches go to for their mission and purpose – the church exists to make disciples – to baptize and teach people to obey God’s Word. That is the charge given to the 11 disciples just before Jesus ascended back to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. It was a pretty surreal moment for these 11 guys. When I was reading this the other day, I tried to read it with fresh eyes. What really jumped out at me was that some of them doubted! They doubted! They just witnessed the resurrection of Jesus, not to mention about 3 years worth of miracles and now they stand before Him with doubts!? At first it blew me away to notice that, but then it gave me a sense of peace and comfort knowing if those 11 men had doubts and were still used by God to launch His Church into the world, maybe I shouldn’t worry so much about my doubts. I don’t know why they were doubting, but I know why I doubt. I often don’t feel prepared enough, good enough, and sometimes I just doubt this entire faith thing. At times my doubt makes me feel uneasy – like I shouldn’t be doubting at all. But, then here, it is, plain as day and mentioned like it isn’t a big deal – the disciples doubted too. One thing I see though – they didn’t let their doubt stop them. It wasn’t paralyzing. It wasn’t an excuse to not be obedient. Most of them still gave their lives spreading the message of Christ. So, while we may have doubt – we shouldn’t let it stop us. Jesus, in response to their doubt told them – guys I am with you all the way. You may not think you can make disciples – but I will be with you – we got this. I don’t know what God might be asking of you today – but trust Him, even if you have some doubts – He will be with you every step of the way! Trusting God despite my doubts! Pastor Matt
"Go; behold, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. Carry no money belt, no bag, no shoes; and greet no one on the way. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’ If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you. Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you; for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not keep moving from house to house."
Luke 10:3-7 Have you ever embarked on a journey or started in on a project you knew wasn’t going to be easy but knew it would be worth it? That’s right where these 72 disciples were. They were about to go on a great adventure to tell people about God’s Kingdom and heal all kinds of people but it wasn’t going to be easy. As Jesus said, they were lambs being sent out into the wilderness were there were going to be wolves. Intimidating and scary, but so worth it. It is often easier for us to focus on the scary – but for just a minute focus on the rest of what Jesus told them. Yes, there would be wolves, but there would also be these people that Jesus referred to as “men of peace.” These were people the disciples would want to hang out with, people they could find safety with, and people that would show them hospitality. So, who are these people and how do we find them? This is the only place were they are mentioned specifically. Based on what we know about them here Matthew Henry (a great commentator on the Bible) describes them as people who’s hearts have been made soft as wax and are ready to receive the impressions of God’s grace. They are ready for God to do a work in them and then to carry that work on to others. We see a couple instances of these people in Scripture. One was an adulterous woman who gave Jesus some water and the other was a demon possessed man who told every about the healing power of Christ. These are people that come from all walks of life and who have allowed God to fill them with His grace which always brings about transformation. Today, we can focus on the wolves or we can focus on peace and the people that are living in it. I don’t know about you, but people of peace sound better than wolves. Take a minute today to allow the grace of God to do a work of transformation in you. Maybe you can become a person of peace today. Pastor Matt The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields…. Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’
Luke 10:1-2, 9 This past fall my kids and I were driving past a field that had been growing what we assumed to be some kind of zucchini or squash. For months we had been watching it grow and wondering what it was. Then, one day, two buses showed up full of people ready to go work in the field and pick whatever it was. It was a lot of people out there working. I think of this when I read this verse – sending workers into the field when the harvest is ripe. I also think of the scenes from Kentucky just a month or so ago when they were devastated by storms and tornadoes. Hundreds of people showed up to search for people and to do everything they could to save lives. People were found, rescued, and saved. Recently I started to think about this scene when I read this passage. We often read this story of the sending of the 72 as a call to share the Gospel – a call to do Kingdom Work. But, let’s read this from a little different perspective, what does this verse say about God? It tells me He is sending people on a search and rescue mission and He is looking for more help. It tells me God cares for us so much He is not willing to leave us stuck in the rubble and brokenness around us. He doesn’t want us to stay in the sin and darkness. He is coming for us and recruiting as many people as possible to come do the work. Jesus sent 72 people to about 25 different places (assuming they only went to the places Jesus visited) and He still told them to look for more. He told them to enter these places and to heal their sick (save them) and tell about the Kingdom of God (offer them hope). That sounds a bit more like search and rescue and not just pick the fruit. I am thankful that God cares about me that much that He is willing to send a rescue team out into the darkness to find me. He doesn’t want to lose me. He doesn't want to lose you. He has sent a team, Jesus being the head, to search for you and to rescue you. I am thankful for His mission and the miraculous saves that happen every day! Pastor Matt One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me…
Matthew 4:18-19 A man named Warren Wiersbe defined a disciple of Jesus as someone who is not simply a sitting and listening to a teacher. They are someone who lives with the teacher and who learns by listening, looking, and living. Discipleship involves more than enrolling in a school and attending lectures. It means total surrender to the teacher and living life with and like the teacher. That definition certainly gives some meat to what it means to being a follower (a disciple) of Jesus. If that is what it means to be a disciple then how do we make one? How do we become one? How do we grow as one? We usually answer that by saying we need to read our Bible, we need to go to church, and we need to pray. These are great things. But, being and making a disciple cannot stop there because being a disciple is more than learning, it also includes living with. Discipleship is not a solo journey or event, it is team effort, journey with family and friends. Jesus made disciples by teaching them, but by teaching them in life and in relationship. Paul told the church in Ephesus that God, “makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” (Ephesians 4:16) He was making the point that growth (becoming like Jesus) doesn’t happen in a silo, it happens in the Body of Christ, it happens together. To grow and make disciples we need each other and we need each other living in obedience to Christ. The more we do that the healthier, the stronger, and the bigger the body will grow. “We become a holy people together. We hear the voice of God most clearly in community. Love is superficial until it is lived out in the context of real relationships. The journey of grace is a team event!” (David Busic) When we say yes to Jesus we are saying yes to entering a growing family. We are in this together – struggling, growing, learning, and living together. Let’s be disciples and make disciples together. Pastor Matt One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me…
Matthew 4:18-19 Who do you follow? That is a pretty normal question these days. It seems like the younger you are the more varied that answer it going to be. Following someone today has been reduced to a click of a button. We can be following hundreds of people via social media and not truly be following any of them. Today, when we think of follow them, it means we get their posts on our news feed. We might be aware of their latest thoughts or antics. But, when Jesus invited the disciples to follow Him, He was inviting them into something so much more. One of the words used a lot in the New Testament and in the Church is disciple. Simply put a disciple is a follower. Jesus, when He invited Peter and Andrew to follow Him was actually inviting them to be one of His disciples. But, as the rest of the story goes, we quickly learn that to be a disciple of Jesus meant a whole lot more than just sitting in on some teachings and knowing about Him. Right from the start Jesus asked them to leave their home, their careers, and their family to follow Him. In a very similar way God has extended this same invitation to all of us. Revelation tells us that Jesus is standing at the door and knocking, just waiting for someone to let Him in. Jesus is standing at the shore of our lives and inviting us to join Him in His life – Come follow me. So, what will we do with the invitation? Will we go? Will we let Him in? For many of us we get stuck on what that means we will have to give up, what we will have to leave behind. The disciples left a lot. They left those nets behind for a life of hardship and persecution. So, why did they do it? Why should we do it? Why follow Him if we aren’t guaranteed a life of ease? I think they would tell you they chose to follow Him because they believed the life He was offering them (despite the persecution) was better than the life they had been living or the one they would have ended up living. They believed the Gospel to be enough. The Good News that Jesus had come to usher in the Kingdom through His death and resurrection. He was promising, through the difficulty, the life they wanted. One of redemption, reconciliation, peace, and goodness. No one else could lead them there, but Him. So, will you follow Him there to? Pastor Matt But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.
Romans 5:8 When was the last time you tried to engage in a relationship with someone that was not pursuing any kind of relationship with you? It probably didn’t go very well did it? That’s the kind of thing that can get us labeled as a stalker or crazy person in our world today. But, that is what God, in all of His love for us, has done and is doing. He is pursuing us even when we are not pursuing Him. That is what Paul meant in Romans 5 when he said, “God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” God doesn't start to love us once we accept Him or put our faith in Him. He doesn't start to extend to us His grace only once we have fallen in line. God’s grace is at work in us before we ever surrender our heart and lives to Him. In the church world we call this ‘prevenient grace.’ This simply means that God comes to us before we come to Him. He seeks us out right where we are in whatever condition we are in. God initiates, we respond. Grace always comes first. I always stand amazed at the fact that God would send Jesus to die for us. Making that kind of sacrifice for someone is miraculous by itself. But, then, when you combine that with that fact that He did it when we didn’t love Him back, when many wouldn’t love Him back. God’s relentless pursuit of us makes His love and sacrifice even more awesome to me. He never gives up on us, which also means we should never give up on each other. There is always hope. In Luke 10 it was God’s prevenient grace that made the harvest field ripe and paved the way for the 70 disciples to get to work. It was that same grace that caused Jesus to look at those lost cities with hope and excitement. As we look out at our city and our lives, no matter how bad they might be, there is always hope because God’s grace is always present. God loves you so much that He has come searching for you. He is looking for you before you even start looking for Him. He is at work in your life even before you know Him or even want Him there. My prayer, is that we all recognize God’s grace and respond to Him in faith and love. After all, who else would fight for us like that? Pastor Matt The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.
Luke 10:1-2 I grew up in West Virginia – out in the country – farms were all over the place. Towards the end of the summer and into the fall we would drive by acres and acres of corn and through apple orchards. When the harvest was ripe it was a beautiful site – fruit on the trees and corn on the stalk. Harvest season meant food, fresh fruit and vegetables, and income for the farmers. There were festivals and parties around this time of year! So, when I read Luke 10 I find it interesting that Jesus would choose to use harvest to describe the cities he was sending the disciples to. When you think about what was happening in the world at this time it didn’t seem very bright. Israel was under Roman rule – they weren’t free. There were great divisions among the people. The Jews wanted nothing to do with the Samaritans. The Pharisees wanted nothing to do with anyone that didn’t look like them or live like them, all those sinners needed to stay away. The very people Jesus was talking to had decided to leave jobs and family to come follow Him. If we lived in that time we would probably describe it as hopeless or at the very least broken and chaotic. But, Jesus saw a great harvest and was looking for people to go work in the fields. Jesus looked into the cities of Israel and didn’t see the bad, instead He saw the opportunity. He saw acres and acres of corn and apple orchards full of apples! He saw fruit! What He was looking at wasn’t hopeless or broken. It was beautiful and ready to yield a great crop. So, He sent His disciples out into the field to gather it in and find more people to help them. Knowing that is how Jesus viewed what was right in front of Him 2,000 years ago gives me great confidence in how He looks at us today. When God looks into our world and into our lives He doesn’t see a lost cause, He sees a harvest – a great harvest. He sees opportunity, He sees life. Don’t ever look at the world around you as dead and gone. Don’t ever look at your life and view it as a lost cause. Those are lies. Jesus looks at us and says now there is a great harvest and with a little work can yield some amazing fruit. The harvest is great! Pastor Matt |
AuthorPastor Matt Huff leads Portland Central Nazarene Church. He loves being in ministry and seeing lives transformed by the power of Christ. Archives
February 2025